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                        The cDc compilation - volume two

                      >>> A CULT Publication......1988 <<<
                        -cDc- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -cDc-

        So, it's time for another one.  This is a double-sided compilation disk
featuring cDc files #16-30, as well as other interesting files written by
various people.  Hopefully, this will continue to be released more or less
quarterly, with volume three due in January-February of '89.  Watch for that,
get volume one if you don't have it, and enjoy the disk.

        Thanks to: Anarchy Inc., Neon Knights/Metal Communications, and Count
Nibble for their earlier text-oriented work.  Also, thanks to those who wrote
something on the disk.  No thanks to everyone else.
                                                       -Swamp Rat
 (c)1988  cDc communications                                        11/27/88-89