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                       The cDc compilation: volume three
                                  Summer, 1989

                      >>> a cDc publication.......1989 <<<
                        -cDc- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -cDc-

        So here we go with another edition.  Volume three is another double-
sided 5 1/4" compilation disk containing cDc files #31-50, which were first
released as t-files from December, 1987 to May of '88.  Volume one has files
#1-15 on it, and volume two has files #16-30.  The software for this volume has
been improved a bit, and I hope you like the disk overall.
Music credits: "Angel of Death" by Slayer, and "Gangsta Gangsta" by N.W.A.
Thanks: everybody.
                                                       -S. Ratte'
 (c)1989 cDc communications by Swamp Rat.                          06/26/89-113