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                            DilDog's Deep Dreaming
                                                             by DilDog

           __//////\   -cDc- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -cDc-   /\\\\\\__
                    __      Grand Imperial Dynasty      __
 Est. 1984   \\\\\\/ cDc paramedia: texXxt 426-08/22/2024 \//////   Est. 1984

  ___    _   _    ___     _   _    ___       _   _      ___    _   _      __

     I have been known to lucid dream.  When I dream I tell myself stories.
Sometimes when I dream there are things in there that I don't fully 
understand.  Sometimes the dreams are more real than the things I can touch.
Sometimes I worry that the dreams will consume me.  So I wrote them down.

                                  - x X x -

     A little girl who, with the touch of her hands/feet/exposed skin, can 
determine if there's someone dead somewhere...

     She discovers this ability when she's walking into a kitchen, and starts
crying and screaming.  She begins to draw a figure on the floor in red marker
and claws and scratches it.  Her mother comes in, and screams at her, and she
goes on about a dead person in the floor.  

     Her mother immediately takes the girl to a psych clinic.  They can't find
anything wrong with her, but she claims that she knew there was a dead person
in the floor.  Her parents can't seem to get the red permanent marker off the
linoleum, so they get a contractor to come in and tear it up.  

     They find a hatch in the floor and whence opened, a chest.  Inside the
chest is a crumpled body of the daughter of the building's former owner, who
long since vanished.

                                  - x X x -

     Zombie movie, based on premonition.  Wasn't really zombies, more like 
doppelgangers.  There's a whole other world of things that are happening 
because you thought that they would happen.  What happens when you get thrust 
into that dimension and a feedback loop starts.  You have to learn to not 
imagine the horrible things, because they happen, and that makes things worse.

     Fucked up.

                                  - x X x -

     mind's eye becoming a perfect modeler for artistic work.  consciously
shutting down the optical pathway to the visual cortex and mapping concepts
directly onto it.  being able to switch between vision and a 3d model in your
memory at will.

                                  - x X x -

     Three dreams on consecutive nights that flowed into each other:

                               <+] Dream 1 [+>
                             The Hacker, Preface

     A man, a hacker, is sitting on the bed in a simple, hotel-like room with
his  head down in his hands, recalling how he arrived at this point in his
life.  Talks about how he's a computer hacker and how he met a group of other
computer hackers who were interested in hacking in the name of human rights.
Hacktivists, they called themselves.  They spent considerable time researching
this one government facility.  It's a cancer research laboratory, that's
acting as a front for an Army biological warfare research center.  How the 
hackers found out about the biowarfare center was unclear, but they seemed 
determined to break in and expose the administration for what it was, since
the cancer research center was taking donations from charities, and the 
Army was taking a large quantity of the research money and developing 
weapons with it.

     So, they decide to try to break in to the facility electronically, after
having cloned a research scientist's time-based token after following him to
the gym that he works out at.  They perform a roll-ahead attack and access the
doctor's files, and determine that he reports to an army official.  They also 
find numerous documents originating from another network within the facility
which is not accessible via the public networks.  An airgap network, where the
real research is being done.  

     So they decide that they have to try to break in to the facility
physically to get on the airgap network.  They almost bail because they have
less experience in this area and it's dangerous, but the lead hacker feels
confident in their skills.  He convinces them, and they make a plan, after
having photographed the building and retrieving blueprints of the facility.

     The lead hacker dresses as a doctor, and builds a cloned token to enter
the building.  Other hackers come in through the service entrance when he lets 
them in, and they, dressed as janitors, take the elevator down to the service
level under the garage.  The floor they're looking to get into is the next 
floor down, but they don't have the access codes.  But the network they want 
to access is strung through the roof of that floor.  They find a cooling duct,
and cut through the side of it to access the wiring.  After vampire tapping
the airgapped fiber optic network, they sniff a number of emails that refer to
human trials of particular biological experiments.  This doesn't sit well, as
they know that research is illegal.

     At this point, the three hackers obtain a number of secret documents, but
they  are encrypted.  So they copy the information to a disk and pocket it,
with the intent of cracking it offline.  They drop a terminal and a diverter
in the shaft, in order to access the network at a later point.

     On their way out, the doctor whose key they cloned attempts to enter the 
building.  He is stopped by a security guard who claims that the building 
personnel auditing system has already logged him as entered into the building.
He passes the identification handprint test, so the security guard sets an
alarm to silently go off when the card is used to exit the building.  

     The lead hacker takes the three other hackers to the service exit where
he attempts to buzz open the door, and it doesn't open.  At this point, the
lead hacker knows they're screwed, and they pull the building fire alarm,
which  unlocks all the doors and sets off the building alarm.  In the
confusion, the three hackers get away with the disk, but the lead hacker gets
caught, as he was seen on camera attempting to open the door.  He is
restrained, and immediately sedated.

     Hours later, he wakes up in a cell, and is brutalized by a man wearing
fatigues and sunglasses.  When asked if he ever wants to see the sun again, he
says, 'yes.'  He is visited in his cell by a man who runs the biowarfare 
facility.  He's a decorated general, but also a doctor.  He casually explains
that he doesn't want to see a talented hacker go to waste, and he wishes
that he could make him simply forget the entire experience.  But technology
hasn't enabled him to do that.  So he opts to make the world forget about the
hacker.  He has the hacker sent to a facility for political criminals in the
middle of the desert somewhere.  A small, gated community, where he's given a
new identity, a small hotel room to live in, and no means of communication.
He's not sure what they want him for.  But his hotel room has a camera in
every room, he's pretty sure it's bugged, and the only place he feels safe is
in the shower, where they give him a modicum of privacy.

     He takes a shower, letting the hot water bounce off his head for what
seems like forever, wraps a towel around his waist and changes into his new
uniform.  He sits on the bed and holds his head in his hands.  

                               <+] Dream 2 [+>
                                The Black Pox

     The design of the biological weapon is revealed in the form of a man-made
artificially intelligent 'mechanical' virus called The Black Pox.

     It feeds itself by extracting fuel from the human body, extracting iron
from hemoglobin and killing people at an alarming rate by turning their blood 
into dry powder.  The weapon was designed to eliminate all living creatures 
inside a building without damaging the building itself, like a bomb but for
organic living things only.  

     The half-life of the virus was very short: less than a day.  As a result,
it couldn't spread far, but it would easily circulate within a building being
since it was slightly heavier than the particles that would normally get
filtered out by HVAC systems.  The hacker had accessed technology that could
win a war and eliminate collateral damage without bombs.  Clearly he couldn't
be allowed to escape with this information.

                               <+] Dream 3 [+>
                                 The Partner

     The hacker wakes up in his hotel room and there is some woman there in
the room with him, who says that she is his roommate.  She says that she was a 
hacker as well and they were both captured and are being forced to work
together.  He is immediately distrustful because of his nature.  She may be a
fed who is there to monitor him.  Alternatively she might think he's a fed and
there to monitor her.  

     They both talk about the Black Pox and how dirty they feel about helping
produce something that can kill people with such expedience.  She expresses 
support for the idea that it could be used to kill -fewer- people in war 
because of the ability to target with smaller scope.  No collateral damage,
but no accountability either.

     How can he work with her and does he trust her?

                                  - x X x -

     Many of us remember when the World Trade Center buildings in Manhattan
were struck by aircraft.  But do you remember when the first attempt to bomb
the Trade Center was foiled in 1993?

     That was only half the story.  There was another bomber, working on
getting the second building.

     And it was my brother, working in tandem with another friend of my
family.  The brother was not my real brother in real life, but a black-sheep
outcast  from my family.  Older brother that I didn't know that I actually
     To make it worse, I had a psychic connection to him, and what he was
trying to do, hence visions of bombs and bomb-building, confusing imagery of
past friends, and suicidal bent that seemed to crop up because his angst would
flow into my mind.   My entire life had been plagued with these images,
through dreams, and through hallucinations.

     Parents thought I was schizophrenic, but ended up agreeing that it was
more likely an overactive imagination.

     In the end, I find that my psychic connection to him leads me to discover
his plans, and follow him to the scene of the eventual bombing, where our
psychic connection becomes so strong that I mentally convince him to kill his
partner, and commit suicide by leaping from the ledge of the building.

     The authorities cover up the incident because no one can explain it, and
I disappear without telling anyone how it really happened.

                                  - x X x -

     Usually when someone murders a person and cuts up their body into tiny
pieces and scatters them all over the place, it's so that the parts won't be

     What happens when someone _wants_ them to be found?  A scavenger hunt.
It all begins when a janitor kicks over a cup of blood in a lecture hall, and
everyone starts finding body parts scattered all over campus.  How many 
people.  Who were they.  Can we figure out how to put them back together??? :)

                                  - x X x -

     I couldn't fall asleep until 5:00 last night.  Ended up getting woken up
at  10:00 by something in my dream growling my name... like some kind of
demon... and it sounded like it was coming from downstairs... So I sat up and
listened for a second... nothing... and I laid back down, and started to go
back to sleep.

     And it happened again... "Grrrrr... Chrisss...."

     I sat straight up, sweating, and listened again, and determined after
about 2 minutes of 130bpm heartbeat that it was in fact still part of a latent
dream and that it was an auditory hallucination.... so I went back to sleep
and crashed until 1:45....

     That was pretty fucked up right there.  And so very, very realistic.

                                  - x X x -

     I was dreaming about the physics of teleportation and how to build a 
transporter device using a matrix of supercooled quantum-entangled particles
suspended in a magnetic web.  The problem is, of course, gravity starts
affecting supercooled particles very differently when they're compacted that

                                  - x X x -

     Dreamed about a form of awake locally-anesthetized surgical muscle
therapy performed by a group of house-call doctors.  They numb your muscles
and skin with injections, make a small hole in the skin near the muscle's
insertion point and stick various tools through a hole in your skin and 'comb'
your muscles and tendons to create microscopic parallel incisions that heal to 
strengthen the tissue.  The incisions are spaced about half a millimeter
apart, and are drawn down the muscle in parallel to the muscle fibers, 
following the contour of the muscle.  A drawing would be useful here...

     A tissue sample is first required to determine healing rate, in order to
gauge how deep the incisions can be made.  A special tool, shaped like an L is
wedged into the muscle, spun around a few times, and it takes a small chunk of
muscle out, which is dropped into a test tube.  The muscle sample
disintegrates over the next minute and the disintegration is timed.  

     Scraping tool depth is then adjusted based on this time, and work
proceeds.  In my dream, I had a muscle sample taken from my arm (bicep), but
the area  they were 'combing' was my calf and achilles tendon on my right leg.
I had previously had the left leg done, and it had healed and was considerably

                                  - x X x -

     Last night spawned three different lucid dreams in the span of four
hours.  I had full control over the entire experience, and was consciously
aware while it was happening, that I was dreaming, and that I could place
myself both physically in my bed, and mentally in the dream.  I distinctly
remember -hearing- the sounds of the people working in my basement
(waterproofing system installation happening today with a lot of
jackhammering, etc.), but -perceiving- the sounds of the dream.  And I
remember opening and closing my eyes and physically -seeing- my ceiling, and
seeing my eyes open and close, but still -perceiving- my dream.  I achieved
complete and utter disconnection between my physical reality and my mental

     Even when the alarm rang, I remember getting up physically to turn it
off, and going back to bed, the entire time, still dreaming continuously.

     The most vivid moment was when I thought to myself about the fact that I
was dreaming, and was fully aware of my physical state.  I decided to open my 
eyes.  I remember closing my 'mental' eyes (making the dream go away) and 
opening my physical eyes (perceiving the world), and then closing my physical
eyes, and reopening my 'mental' eyes, and perceiving the dream again, exactly
where I chose to stop it.  Dreaming continued from there.

     1.  A house party at my house, where all kinds of people from my past,
         from middle school and high school, showed up.

     2.  I found I was hosting a bizarre reality television show in my
         basement.  There were people exercising by lifting all of my
         computers.  But it was more of a sitcom, because most of the actors
         were mentally challenged.

     3.  The 'unrestricted wild sex with multiple partners dream.'  It
         happened in my house again, but I didn't recognize any of the people
         I was fooling around with.  It came dangerously close to being a 'wet
         dream,' but because things were completely lucid, I decided not to
         'go all the way' cuz it would have been messy :)

     I'm getting ever closer and closer to being able to open the mental eyes
at will during my normal conscious life.  This could prove interesting, as it
would allow me to uncouple my physical existence from my mental perception at

     What my body is going through is a form of self-hypnosis, where it is
learning to put itself into a controlled trance, freeing the body from its
need to perceive the physical world, and allowing perception to 'recognize'
any scene (sight), sound (hearing), or sense (touch) without anything other
than mental stimulus.

     Inherently, we all know this is possible, as chances are, you've
experienced something similar, at least for a short time.  I've identified how
it works and I'm working on making it a more conscious state for my existence.

                                  - x X x -

     Hell as an evolved corporate entity

     So, there's a school for smart kids on an island, built into the side of
a defunct volcano.  A demon decides to take over the school and take residence
in its sub-basement, but people don't know that yet.  People begin to flee the
island when then demon decides to erupt the volcano, filling the air with
poisonous soot.  People begin dying left and right.  I also start to feel ill,
when I find a gas mask, put it on, and rush into the school to see if there's
anyone left inside.

     I find that the faculty is still inside.  I'm not sure why they don't
care about the volcano, but seeing how they walk around the bodies of dead 
students, I decide that this can't be good, and I sneak around them.  I head
down to the sub-basement, picking a few locks in the process.  I eventually 
get down there, expecting to find this demon, and instead, I find a massive
computer network.

     I am approached by one of the technicians, and he informs me that this is
the judgment center for Hell, which is an outsourced IT function for the Hell
infrastructure.  It's the massive computer network that determines how the
sinful will be punished on the face of the planet.  He explains to me that I
didn't grab the gas mask fast enough, and that I really AM dead.

     I also get told that Hell isn't what people think it is.  Sure, it's the
bad side of 'good' and 'evil.'  But that it's not a place that most people go
to  nowadays.  You'd think that Hell would be getting all of the sinners
nowadays, if you listened to most legends and stories.  But really, it only
accepts the best and brightest of the sinners.  You've got to be really smart
to get into Hell.  Everyone else gets sent back and reincarnated.  Better luck
next time.

     Hell, unlike our current beliefs, is not a place where souls are just
beaten and tortured.  I mean, sure the souls go there, but they can be
tortured on -Earth- now, instead of in Hell.  We have the technology.  I mean,
people don't bring home the cow, slaughter it, and eat it right there, do
they?  No, there's packaged meat.  Hell has evolved too, you see, over the
last 2000 years.  It's much more advanced now, and scales much better.  Rather
than training torturers, they simply have a series of programs that schedule
torture on the face of the Earth, rather than waiting for the souls to get

     It's much more economical, and lets you deal with sins in bulk, rather
than individually.

     I was granted 'root' (or 'ghost') access to the 'judgment' network, but
they wouldn't let me create accounts on the inter-realm network or the 
global-accounts network.  They said that if I did well, they'd let me 
administer other networks over time.  They mentioned that I would be working 
out of the sub-basement of this facility, but that I could visit Hell any time
I wanted, and I should probably start looking for an apartment.

         ___________    BLATTA---NON     EST----VACCA    ___________
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          || / \ ||                DAEMONIS               || / \ ||
     V    ||/\X/\||    E                             V    ||/\X/\||    E
          |A D N I|          the original e-zine          |A D N I|
         /_________\         - today, tomorrow -         /_________\
      xXx  DYNASTY  xXx            FOREVER            xXx  DYNASTY  xXx
      Oooo                 xXx / RULE BOVINIA \ xXx                 / )   __
 /)(\ ( . \                                                        /  (  /  \
 \__/  )  /  Copyright (c) 2024 cDc communications and the author. \ . ) \)(/
       (_/     CULT OF THE DEAD COW is a registered trademark of    oooO
                             cDc communications.                          _
  oooO                All rights left.  Edited by Omega.            __   ( \
 / . ) /)(\                                                        /  \  )  \
 \  (  \__/       Save yourself!  Go outside!  Do something!       \)(/ ( . /
  \_)                     xXx   BOW to the COW   xXx                    Oooo