_ _ ((___)) [ x x ] cDc communications \ / Global Domination Update #14 (' ') December 30th, 1993 (U) Est. 1984 New gNu NEW gnU new GnU nEW gNu neW gnu nEw GNU releases for December, 1993: _________________________________/Text Files\_________________________________ 241: "Cell-Hell" by Video Vindicator. In-depth article on modifying the Mitsubishi 800 cellular phone by Mr. Fraud himself. Rad. 242: "The Darkroom" by Mark Vaxlov. Very dark story about a high school rape in the photography lab at school. Disturbing. 243: "Fortune Smiles" by Obscure Images. Story set in the future with organized crime and identity-swapping. 244: "Radiocarbon Dating Service" by Markian Gooley. Who would go out with Gooley? YOUR MOM! 245: "The U.S. Mercenary Army" by Phil Agee. Forwarded by The Deth Vegetable, this file contains a speech by former CIA agent Agee on the Gulf War. Interesting stuff. 246: "The Monolith" by Daniel S. Reinker. This is one of the most disgusting files we've put out since the infamous "Bunny Lust." I don't wanna describe this, just read it. 247: "Post-Election '92 Cult Coverage" by Omega. Afterthoughts on Tequila Willy's bid for the U.S. Presidency. 248: "The Lunatic Crown" by Matthew Legare. Wear the crown. Buy a Slurpee. Seek the adept. Do not pass 'Go.' 249: "Yet Another Suicide" by The Mad Hatter. Guy gets depressed over a girl and kills himself. 250: "State of Seige" by Curtis Yarvin. The soldiers hunt the dogs hunt the soldiers. Like, war, ya know. Hell! __________________________________/cDc Gnuz\__________________________________ "cDc: We're Into Barbie!" cDc mailing list: Get on the ever-dope and slamagnifiterrific cDc mailing list! Send mail to cDc@cypher.com and include some wonderlessly elite message along he lines of "ADD ME 2 DA MAILIN LIZT!!@&!" NEW Official cDc Global Domination Factory Direct Outlets: The Land of Rape and Honey 502/491-6562 Desperadoes +61-7-3683567 Underworld 203/649-6103 Airstrip-One 512/371-7971 Ministry of Death 516/878-1774 Future Shock +61-7-3660740 Murder, Inc 404/416-6638 The Prodigal Sun 312/238-3585 Red Dawn-2 Enterprises 410/263-2258 Cyber Neurotic Reality Test 613/723-4743 Terminal Sabotage 314/878-7909 The Wall 707/874-1316,2970 We're always taking t-file submissions, so if you've got a file and want to really get it out there, there's no better way than with cDc. Upload text to The Polka AE, to sratte@phantom.com, or send disks or hardcopy to the cDc post office box in Lubbock, TX. cDc has been named SASSY magazine's "Sassiest Underground Computer Group." Hell yeah! Thanks to Drunkfux for setting up another fun HoHoCon this year, in Austin. It was cool as usual to hang out with everyone who showed up. Music credits for stuff listened to while editing this batch of files: Zapp, Carpenters, Deicide, and Swingset Disaster. Only text editor worth a damn: ProTERM, on the Apple II. So here's the new cDc release. It's been a while since the last one. It's out because I fucking felt like it, and have to prove to myself that I can do this crap without losing my mind and having to go stand in a cotton field and look at some dirt at 3 in the morning. cDc=cDc+1, yeah yeah. Do you know what this is about? Any idea? This is SICK and shouldn't be harped on or celebrated. This whole cyberdweeb/telecom/'puter underground scene makes me wanna puke, it's all sick and dysfunctional. Eat my shit, G33/