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                                TAKE BACK CONTROL
         _   _                                                    _   _
        ((___))                                                  ((___))     
        [ x x ]       _ _/ cDc GRAND IMPERIAL DYNASTY \_ _       [ x x ]
         \   /        _ _        MCMLXXXIV A.D.        _ _        \   /
         (' ')           \  VOLANDO, REPTILIA SPERNO  /           (' ')
          (U)                                                      (U)

        [about] | [veilid foundation] | [contributors] | [press releases]                         
         [launch events] | [veilid.com] | [code] | [discord] | [links]
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                               ::::: about :::::

    Veilid (pronounced Vay-Lid, from "Valid and Veiled Identification")

    We built Veilid because when the Internet was young and new, we viewed
    it as an endless and open realm of possibility.

    Instead, the Internet we know now has been heavily commercialized,
    with users and their data being the most sought-after commodity.  The
    only ways to opt-out of becoming the product for billionaires to
    exploit are either too technical for the average user, or to simply not
    go online. 

    We believe that people should be able to forge relationships, learn,
    create, and build online -- without being monetized.


                         ::::: veilid foundation :::::
    * Christien Rioux
    * Katelyn Bowden
    * Paul Miller

                            ::::: contributors :::::

    Veilid contributors include coders, admins, writers, legal, and more.

    * TC Johnson
    * Jun34u, cDc
    * Deth Veggie, cDc
    * Beka Valentine
    * signal9
    * Obscure, cDc
    * Kirk 'Teknique' Strauser
    * Alice 'c0debabe' Rhodes
    * Abbie 'antijingoist' Gonzalez
    * snowchyld, NSF
    * John 'Wrewdison' Whelan 
    * Robert 'LambdaCalculus' Menes
    * Glenn Kurtzrock
    * Daniel Meyerson
    * CylentKnight
    * Robert 'Slugnoodle' Notarfrancesco
    * Yer mom


                           ::::: launch events :::::
    We're releasing Veilid at DEF CON 31 in Las Vegas.  You should come
    hang out.

    2023-08-12 - "Veilid Demo Lab," 10:00 – 11:55, Committee Boardroom,
                 Caesars Forum

    2023-08-11 - "CULT OF THE DEAD COW Breaks The Internet (and you can
                 too!)," PAR-TAY!, 20:00 - ??:??, Track 1, Caesars Forum

    2023-08-11 - "The Internals of Veilid, a New Decentralized Application
                 Framework," 09:00 - 09:45, Track 1, Caesars Forum


                           ::::: press releases :::::

    2023-06-22 - CULT OF THE DEAD COW Breaks The Internet (and you can


                               ::::: links :::::

    Twitter:  @cdc_pulpit & @veilidnetwork
    Bluesky:  @cultdeadcow.bsky.social
    Fediverse:  @VeilidNetwork@hackers.town


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