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         _   _                                                    _   _
        ((___))                                                  ((___))     
        [ x x ]       _ _/ cDc GRAND IMPERIAL DYNASTY \_ _       [ x x ]
         \   /        _ _        MCMLXXXIV A.D.        _ _        \   /
         (' ')           \  VOLANDO, REPTILIA SPERNO  /           (' ')
          (U)                                                      (U)

         [about] | [mission] | [who we are not] | [who we will never be]
          [team] | [board of advisors] | [projects] | [press releases]

                         ::::: about hacktivismo :::::

    Hacktivismo is an international group of hackers, human rights workers, 
    lawyers and artists that evolved out of CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc), a
    publishing and computer security group.  We believe that privacy and
    access to information are basic human rights.  Hacktivismo assumes as an
    ethical point of departure the principles enshrined in the Universal
    Declaration on Human Rights and the International Convention on Civil
    and Political Rights.  We also support the Free Software and open-source

                            ::::: our mission :::::

    To conduct and publish scientific research in the areas of information
    technology, communications and electronic media; and, to assist (where
    possible) non-governmental organizations, social justice groups and
    human rights entities in the use of advanced information technologies
    for the furtherance of their works.  We also intend to have fun doing
    this.  Turn it up.  Way up.

                           ::::: who we are not :::::

    One so-called Internet intelligence group [surely not those morons at
    iDefense? - Ed.] referred to us as "Black hat" hackers attempting to
    upgrade our public image.  If we were Black hats we wouldn't need spin
    doctors, we'd need criminal attorneys.  The cDc and Hacktivismo aren't
    to everyone's taste.  But attempting to vilify us because we defy simple
    categories is judgmental at best, and irresponsible at worst.
                        ::::: who we will never be :::::

    What do you call a software company that does business with the world's
    largest sponsors of terrorism and human rights abuse?  Profitable.	

    We created the Hacktivismo Declaration then we created the HESSLA in the
    spirit of these documents:

    * International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
    * Universal Declaration of Human Rights


                                ::::: team :::::

    Oxblood Ruffin   |   Executive Director and Founder
    The Mixter       |   Lederhosen Enthusiast and Charter Member

    MiB              |   Spiritual Dissident
    init0            |
    Hacktivismo Hall of Fame

                         ::::: board of advisors :::::

    Partick Ball, Ph.D
        Patrick is Deputy Director, American Association for the Advancement
        of Science (AAAS) Science and Human Rights Program.  Since 1991
        Patrick has designed information management systems and conducted
        quantitative analysis for large-scale human rights data projects for
        truth commissions, non-governmental organizations, tribunals and
        United Nations missions in El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti,
        South Africa, and Kosovo.

        His 1997 Ph.D. dissertation "Liberal Hyposcrisy and Totalitarian
        Sincerity" examined the roots of the non-governmental human rights
        movements in Ethiopia, Pakistan, and El Savador.  Patrick is the
        author of _Policy or Panic:  The Flight of Ethnic Albanians from
        Kosovo_; _Who Did What to Whom?  Planning and Implementing a Large
        Scale Human Rights Data Project_; and _State Violence in Guatemala,
        1960-1996: a Qantituative Relflection_ with Paul Kobrak and Herbert
        F. Spirer.

    Cindy Cohn
        Cindy is legal Director & Senior Staff Attorney at the Electronic
        Frontier Foundation.  She is a lawyer who specializes in civil
        litigation, including Internet-related cases, commerical, real
        estate and general business lititgation.  In 1997 she was named one
        of the California Lawyers of the Year by _California Lawyer_
        magazine for her work on internet issues.

        She is a member of the San Mateo County Bar Association and of its
        legal technology section.  Ms. Cohn graduated with honors from the
        University of Iowa and received her law degree from the University
        of Michingan Law School in 1989.  Before entering private practice,
        Cindy clerked for the United Nations Centre for Human Rights in
        Geneva, Switzerland.

                              ::::: projects :::::

    2006-09-19 - "Torpark" by Arrakis

    2006-07-21 - "ScatterChat" by J. Salvatore Testa II

    2003-03-01 - "The Six/Four System" by Mixter

    2002-07-13 - "Camera/Shy" by The Pull			  

    (top | all cDc projects)

                           ::::: press releases :::::

    2006-07-21 - ScatterChat Press Release							

    2002-11-26 - License To Chill -- Hackers Hamstring Rights Violators


    2002-02-15 - Announcement of the Six/Four System

    2002-02-07 - PEEKABOOTY UPDATE

    2001-07-04 - INTERNATIONAL BOOKBURNING IN PROGRESS ("The Hacktivismo

    (top | all cDc press releases)
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