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  .::       __  _  _|  |__   ____   __  _  __ ____   \_ |__   ____         ::.   
 .::        \ \/ \/ /  |  \ /  _ \  \ \/ \/ // __ \   | __ \_/ __ \         ::.
 .:.         \     /|   Y  (  <_> )  \     /\  ___/   | \_\ \  ___/         .:.  
 ::           \/\_/ |___|  /\____/    \/\_/  \___  >  |___  /\___  >         :: 
 ..                      \/                      \/       \/     \/          .. 

           cDc:  gnarly-rad, getting over on The Man & likkin' pussy.
         _   _                                                    _   _
        ((___))                                                  ((___))     
        [ x x ]       _ _/ cDc GRAND IMPERIAL DYNASTY \_ _       [ x x ]
         \   /        _ _        MCMLXXXIV A.D.        _ _        \   /
         (' ')           \  VOLANDO, REPTILIA SPERNO  /           (' ')
          (U)                                                      (U)

    Based in Lubbock, Texas, CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc) is the most-
    accomplished and longest-running group in the computer underground.  
    Founded in 1984 and widely considered to be the most elite people to 
    ever walk the face of the earth, this think tank has been referred to 
    as both "a bunch of sickos" (Geraldo Rivera) and "the sexiest group 
    of computer hackers there ever was" (Jane Pratt, _Sassy_ and _Jane_ 
    magazines).  The cDc is a leading developer of Internet privacy and 
    security tools, which are all free to the public.  In addition, the cDc 
    created the first electronic publication, which is still going strong.

    The cDc Grand Imperial Dynasty includes a former Presidential Advisor
    on computer security, a Harvard researcher, a former U.N. official, an 
    assistant district attorney, a professor of logic, an award-winning 
    filmmaker, several published authors, a video game developer, an Eagle
    Scout, programmers of every sort, graphic artists, musicians, currency 
    traders, and a Merovingian.  And these are just the members who have 
    chosen to make their association with the cDc known to the public.

    Several cDc members have also been (or currently are) members of other 
    high profile groups, both underground and otherwise.  These include the
    L0pht, the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 
    the Legion of Doom (LOD/H), the Association of Computing Machinery 
    (ACM), the Hasty Pastry, Restricted Data Transmissions (RDT), the 
    Masters of Deception (MOD), the USENIX Association, the Walnut Factory,
    Soylent Communications, w00w00, the Institute for Operations Research 
    and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), New Hack City, the Sacrament of
    Transition, r00t, and the Youth International Party Line/Technology 
    Assistance Program (YIPL/TAP).

    Rumors abound about the cDc:  that it has disrupted communications by 
    moving satellites; that it is at war with the "Church" of Scientology; 
    that it perpetrated the "Good Times" virus hoax; that it gave Ronald 
    Reagan Alzheimer's disease; that Slobodan Milošević mentioned it while 
    cross-examining a witness during his War Crimes Tribunal; that it is 
    simply the modern incarnation of a gnostic order that dates back to the
    cult of Hathor (the cow goddess) in ancient Egypt; that it meets in a 
    secret bunker under an abandoned military base in the Nevada desert.

    These are all true. But there's so much more.

    For over forty years, the cDc has proven itself as an innovative force 
    in the computer underground.  In 1984, the cDc invented the electronic 
    publication.  In 1990, the cDc's HoHoCon defined the modern computer 
    underground convention.  In every U.S. Presidential Election since 1992,
    the cDc has run a candidate.  In 1994, the cDc became the first computer
    undergound group to have its own Usenet newsgroup.  Also in 1994, the
    cDc coined the term "hacktivism."  The Ninja Strike Force (cDc's elite 
    cadre of cheerleader-assassins) was founded in 1996.  In 1997, years 
    before everyone and their dog had jumped on the file sharing bandwagon,
    it was distributing original mp3-format music on its website.  In 1998
    and 1999, the cDc's "Back Orifice" series was launched to open the eyes
    of consumers regarding the security of their computer operating systems.
    To this day, Back Orifice and BO2k are among the most popular remote 
    system administration tools among hackers and IT professionals alike.  
    Since 1999, Hacktivismo (a special projects group within the cDc) has 
    been at the forefront of the ongoing struggle for human rights in and
    out of cyberspace.  In 2002, the cDc and Hacktivismo drafted their own
    human rights-friendly software license and earned further distinction as
    the only underground computer groups to ever receive U.S. Department of
    Commerce approval to export strong encryption in software.  In 2004, the
    cDc and the NSF launched the Bovine Dawn Dojo Forum, the greatest online
    community of all time.

    Additionally, nothing can compare to the money-throwing, stage-diving,
    crotch-grabbing, guitar-wailing, inter-species sex-depicting, computer-
    smashing, and panty-wetting experience that is a live cDc performance.

    And that's just the beginning...

    cDc. Today, Tomorrow, FOREVER.

                            xXx / RULE BOVINIA \ xXx
 ..                         ____                     ____                    ..
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