____________________________________________________________________________ "Waiter, I'll have the breast of Sum Yung Gal." -- William Jefferson Clinton, Prez ordering takeout in Beijing FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE GLOBAL DOMINATRIX UPDATA ________________ http://www.cultdeadcow.com/cDc_files/ ____________________ _ _ ((___)) [ x x ] cDc Communications \ / Global Dominatrix Updata #26 (' ') July 17, 1998 (U) - * - BACK ORIFICE BLONDIE TALKS THE NIGHTSTALKER RISES UP Whether you're a longtime fan of the cDc's t-files, or just another bored analyst with the Rand Corporation, you'll be all over this file pack. Damn, we're good. Once again, the CULT OF THE DEAD COW has got the poop for you on Microsoft. Introducing "Back Orifice", the app that can squeeze right onto your favorite Windows network or even the Internet. We'll be introducing it at Defcon in Vegas on July 31, after which you'll be able to download your very own copy for free. We'd love to let you have the super freakin' tools that we use to read Janet Reno's email but they'd be way too much for you to handle -- sorta like a weekend with Isis. So just be grateful for BackOrifice, ya smelly little punks. We pulled off another first. Hong Kong Blondes' top noodle Blondie Wong gives his first interview to the CULT OF THE DEAD COW. We almost feel sorry for those fools in Beijing. They have about as much chance of keeping the Blondes away from their satellites as Linda Tripp does of making new friends. Sad, really -- but fuck 'em both. And after you finish readin' the big interview, you just might get inspired and start your very own chapter of the Yellow Pages. Go ahead, be a hero. But don't come whinin' to us if ya get busted. And finally, the CULT OF THE DEAD COW'S resident munitions expert and keeper of the Queen's English, the Nightstalker, recently hijacked a truckload of Viagra. When we went to press, Federal Agents were out looking for hardened criminals instead of the guy who used to use a forklift to get it up. Now he's out there waving his freak flag high -- on the end of his wiener. Right on, brother! ________________________________/textfiles\________________________________ 356: "The Longer March" by Oxblood Ruffin. The revolution's gone online and it ain't gonna be pretty. Learn all you need to know about human rights, hacktivism, American business, designer clothing, and more. The Mao the merrier. 357: "Flag Rant" by The Nightstalker. How many Vietnam vets does it take to change a lightbulb? You know why you don't know? BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T FUCKING THERE! After this file you'll never think of the flag the same again. 358: "San Francisco Cab Driver Stories" by G.A. Ellsworth. If Keith Richards was Travis Bickle's prison bitch then, uh, justa minute, I lost my train of thought here. Oh, yeah. If you ever end up in San Francisco and need a cab, you'd better walk. 359: "Dark Harvest" by Sangfroid. One day you wake up and read that a crackhead just murdered a friend of yours. You: a) stop reading newspapers; b) blame the drug czar; c) write a file for the cDc. Choose wisely. 360: "The Journalist's Cookbook" by Reid Fleming. Is it tongue is sheik, or does this guy really have the system licked? The cDc's own man of steel breaks down the science so that anyone could interview a real live hacker and sound smart. Honest. File submissions: omega@cultdeadcow.com - * - Thanks to the following items of influence this time around: WAREZ: Back Orifice by Sir Dystic [bend over and spread'em, Bill] PRINT: Soldier of Fortune, Shaved, The Far Eastern Economic Review VINYL: Black Uhuru, Lester Young, Glenn Gould MACHINERY: The new Macs COCKTAIL: The Vesper [3oz.gin, 1oz.vodka, 1/2oz.lillet blanc and a twist] GANG: The Yellow Pages _______________________________/shoutouts!\________________________________ * Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Like the writer in Malaysia who's using the handle, Blondie Wong http://www.jaring.my/~star/audio/0698/04wong.html At least run a copy of BackOrifice, ya prick. * We love sharing email. You know, the kind that moistens the eyes and raises a little lump in the back of your throat. Thanks, Egan. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 12:29:38 +0100 From: Egan Welch <egan.gorgeous@virgin.net> To: veggie@l0pht.com Subject: Comment After browsing through your site I came to the conclusion that you are very sick and disturbed....... _______________________________/ - x X x - \_______________________________ Fools better recognize: CULT OF THE DEAD COW is a gift to the women of this world and the trademark of cDc Communications. Established in 1984, the cDc is the largest and oldest krewe in telecom, inventor of the e-zine and stool loosener to sysadmins everywhere. Each and every issue is produced on an Apple II for genuine effect. Yo, bee-atch! Find the flavor at these fine locations: World Wide Web: http://www.cultdeadcow.com http://www.L0pht.com/cdc.html Usenet: alt.fan.cult-dead-cow BBS: 806/794-4362 Entry:KILL Any questions, cupcake? The Death Vegetable Minister of Propoganda veggie@cultdeadcow.com "cDc. It's alla'bout style, jackass." _____________________________________________________________________________ Copyright(c)1998 The Baudfather, A Dwarf Named Warren & cDc Communications