____                                                                  ____
(____)    _   _      The Legacy of cDc communications       _   _     (____)
||||||   ((___))  _______________________________________  ((___))    ||||||
||||||   [ x x ]                                           [ x x ]    ||||||
||||||    \   /    And in the territories of Bovinia His    \   /     ||||||
||||||    (' ')   disciples shall find a vast backwaters,   (' ')     ||||||
||||||     (U)     and here the Dark Priests weave tales     (U)      ||||||
||||||                        of human folly.                         ||||||
||||||                                                                ||||||
||||||                      Updated:  09/20/2024                      ||||||
|||||| ______________________________________________________________ ||||||
||||||                                                                ||||||
||||||                   CULT OF THE DEAD COW Alumni                  ||||||
|||||| ______________________________________________________________ ||||||
||||||                                                                ||||||
|||||| Erik O.                    retired                             ||||||
|||||| Matt S.                    Sysop-The Panhandler-retired        ||||||
|||||| Sid Vicious/Brandon        Sysop-The KGB-retired               ||||||
|||||| Tippy Turtle/Jason         retired                             ||||||
|||||| The Overlord/Rick          Sysop-Xyster-retired                ||||||
|||||| Slaytanic Impalor          Sysop-Euthanasia MBI-retired        ||||||
|||||| Wasted Pandemonium/Matt    Sysop-Digital Death-retired         ||||||
|||||| Graphic Violence/Ty        Sysop-The KGB-retired               ||||||
|||||| Nuclear Madman             Sysop-The KGB-RIP                   ||||||
|||||| The Mad Hatter             Sysop-Stairway to Hell-retired      ||||||
|||||| Frontal Nudity/Gregg       Sysop-Genocide-retired              ||||||
|||||| The Sparrow                retired                             ||||||
|||||| Sabro                      retired                             ||||||
|||||| The Reaper (214)           retired                             ||||||
|||||| Question Authority         Sysop-Question Authority-retired    ||||||
|||||| Psychotic Opposition/Matt  retired                             ||||||
|||||| Oberhieman/Matt            Sysop-Behavior Modification-retired ||||||
|||||| The Dark Static            retired                             ||||||
|||||| Phantom Access/Eric        Sysop-Dark Sector-retired           ||||||
|||||| Leper Messiah              Sysop-The Dead Zone/214-retired     ||||||
|||||| Yardley Flouride/Joel      Sysop-Dragonfire Private-retired    ||||||
|||||| Psychedelic Warlord/Robert Sysop-Tacoland-retired              ||||||
|||||| Suicidal Amoeba/Matt       retired                             ||||||
|||||| Red Knight                 Sysop-The Toll Center/2600-retired  ||||||
|||||| The Pusher                 retired                             ||||||
|||||| Greenpeace                 Sysop-The People Farm-retired       ||||||
|||||| Dave Ferret                Sysop-The Works-retired             ||||||
|||||| WeaselBoy                  retired                             ||||||
|||||| Racer X                    retired                             ||||||
|||||| The Raver/Necrovore        retired                             ||||||
|||||| L.E. Pirate                Sysop-Dragonfire Private-retired    ||||||
|||||| Asmodeus Rex               Sysop-The Alcazar-retired           ||||||
|||||| Lady Carolin               Sysop-The Convent-retired           ||||||
|||||| Sunspot                    Sysop-Milliways-retired             ||||||
|||||| Tequila Willy              Sysop-TWGSC-retired-RIP             ||||||
|||||| Tarkin Darklighter         Sysop-DSF Devastator-retired-RIP    ||||||
|||||| FreqOut                    retired                             ||||||
|||||| THE NIGHTSTALKER           RIP                                 ||||||
|||||| assrabbit                  retired                             ||||||
|||||| Myles Long                 retired                             ||||||
|||||| ______________________________________________________________ ||||||
||||||                                                                ||||||
||||||                       Hacktivismo Alumni                       ||||||
|||||| ______________________________________________________________ ||||||
||||||                                                                ||||||
|||||| Bronc Buster               Charter Member-retired              ||||||
|||||| Mr Happy                   retired                             ||||||
|||||| Ca$h Money                 retired                             ||||||
|||||| Peking Duck                retired                             ||||||
|||||| Shaolin Punk               retired                             ||||||
|||||| Pu$$y Galore               retired                             ||||||
|||||| Jules                      retired                             ||||||
|||||| The Pull                   Charter Member-retired-RIP          ||||||
|||||| J. Salvatore Testa II      retired                             ||||||
|||||| Arrakis                    retired                             ||||||
|||||| diskrez                    retired-RIP                         ||||||
||||||                                                                ||||||
|||||||.                                                            .|||||||
||||||||/-cDc-     Rest In Peace, Brave Followers of Cow      -cDc-\||||||||
                        graphic design by The Raver