_   _                                                          _   _
    ((___))                                                        ((___))
    [ x x ]                _                                       [ x x ]
     \   /  _   |_|_   _ _|_  _|_ |_  _    _| _  _. _|   _ _        \   /
     (' ') (_|_|| |_  (_) |    |_ | |(/_  (_|(/_(_|(_|  (_(_)\_/\_/ (' ')
      (U)                                                            (U)
     .ooM                     cDc communications                    .ooM

                Information about the Netbios Networking APIs
                                by Sir Dystic

The Netbios networking APIs under Windows 9x and NT are a mess.  To start
with, many of them are not implemented under 9x. Although you may be able to 
link your program without problem, many of the APIs return

     120 ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED:This function is not supported on this

More frustrating is that many of the APIs that are implemented return pointers
to different types of structures on 9x and NT.  Much of the documentation
around  these APIs is either misleading, flat out wrong, or missing.  Many of
the APIs are listed as being obsolete while no replacement for their 
functionality has been provided, yet several programs that come with windows
like NetWatch.exe, and Net.exe, and NBTstat.exe clearly use these APIs which
supposedly are only available for lazy programmers who don't want to rewrite
their apps for the win32 API spec.  Under NT most of the Net* functions are
declared as accepting character pointers but in fact they want Unicode
strings.  The same is true for many of the structures returned, their members
are declared as being pointers to character strings when in fact they are
unicode strings.  Some of the APIs are just plain misdeclared.

For any of these APIs to work on a remote target machine, that machine must 
have the Netbios protocol installed and bound to the adapter which you are 
communicating on. Most of the Net*Enum APIs require that the server service be 
running, and many others rely on specific other services (like the messenger 
service) to be able to retrieve data. All of these programs may only run under 
NT. There is also a registry entry which can be set to further restrict what 
information can be retrieved anonymously.

xXx // Netbios() \\ xXx

NBTstat.exe uses the Netbios() API to (among other things) send Netbios NAME 
packets on udp port 137 to an IP address to retrieve the remote adapter status 
of a Netbios interface.  It also retrieves the names in the remote name table, 
which applications have registered as listening on.  Netbios names are 15 
characters followed by a 16th binary value, and each names is registered as 
being either unique or a group name.  Many names are standardly registered by 
specific apps, and by viewing the remote name list you can find out
information about what software and services are running on the computer,
configuration information such as the machine name, domain name and the name
of the currently logged in user.  Also returned by the Netbios adapter status
call is the MAC address of the remote network adapter.  If the "adapter" is
actually a modem or other type of dialup access, the address will be listed as
44-45-53-54-00-00 which in ASCII spells out "DEST".  If the adapter is a NIC,
the MAC address is the manufacturer assigned globally unique ID.  Apparently
NIC manufacturers have started providing software with the hardware that
allows you to change this ID arbitrarily.  For more information how what this
program may be useful for check the Microsoft documentation on the Netbios()

NetB.exe is a tool I have written which is basically a commandline wrapper
around the Netbios() API.  Its most useful command is ASTAT which retrieves
the remote adapter status.  Although most of the information returned in this
structure is left empty, there is still a good deal of information available.
In cases where no names are registered it will still display the MAC address
unlike NBTStat.exe which simply returns "Host not found." Another problem with
NBTstat.exe is that it uses some faulty logic to decide what adapter to send
the packets on, so if you have more than one adapter (for instance a network
card and a dialup connection) it will not function properly.  You must select
the correct adapter number to use with NetB.exe using the /A option.  The
adapter numbers correspond to the Lana Number values in Control Panel > 
Network > Services > Netbios Interface > Properties. 

The usage for NetB.exe is: 

     NetB v.93 - Questions, comments, bitches and bugs to
     netb [Arguments]  [localname] [remotename]
       /A AdapterNum   - Use adapter number AdapterNum (def 0)
       /G              - Local name is a group name
       /S              - SMB Relay mode
       /P              - Pause before exit (holds added name till exit)
       /W WaitMS       - Wait WaitMS milleseconds after EOF for final reads
       /?              - This help
       ADDNAME         - Add a name to the local name table
       ASTAT           - Adapter status
       DGRECV          - Receive a datagram
       DGRECVBC        - Receive a broadcast datagram
       DGSEND          - Send a datagram
       DGSENDBC        - Send a broadcast datagram
       ENUM*           - Enumerate LAN adapters
       FINDNAME        - Find a name on the network
       LISTEN          - Listens for connections
       CALL            - Connect to a remote NetBIOS name
          (* NT Only)
      Note: Machine names are either a < 16 char netbios name or an IP
          The binary 16th char can be set by adding \xx to the end of the name
          where xx is the hex value.  Default is 0. * is a special wildcard

When using the LISTEN or CALL commands, NetB supports input from either the 
console or a file via redirection. When using console input, entering of the 
data to send begins when you begin typing, and the data is sent when a CR is 
entered. NetB will exit when a CONTROL-Z is entered on a line of its own. When 
using file input, the /S option can be used to have data sent in SMB packets if 
the input file is formatted properly. It will send each packet and wait for a 
response. If used with the LISTEN command, it will first wait for a packet from 
the client and send responses.


                               Get SOURCE here.
      Additional source file with all the MAC prefix manufacturer names 


                               Get BINARY here.


xXx // Net*Enum() APIs and NULL sessions \\ xXx

Many of the Net* APIs are documented as having been replaced by WNet*
functions, yet many of them accomplish things which can not be done with their 
corresponding WNet function.  Furthermore, there are many documentation errors 
relating to these functions about what security access is required to call the 
APIs at what levels, and Windows has had several bugs found (mostly pre SP3) 
relating to what information levels can be returned to anonymous remote users. 
Although you can not do "net view" on an NT or 2k machine normally, if you
first connect with a NULL session (username NULL and password NULL) the remote
machine treats you as an anonymous browser.  To connect with a NULL session
from the commandline in NT use: 

     net use /user:"" \\MachineNameOrIP ""

Now not only can you do a "net view" you can execute a number of APIs which 
return information about the remote machine: 

     GetServerInfo() - displays info about the remote machine including OS
          type, comment, and flags
     NetWkstaGetInfo() - displays info about remote machine including name and
     NetWkstaUserEnum() - displays the users logged into the remote machine
     NetShareEnum()  - displays hidden shares as well (shares ending in $)
     NetUserEnum()   - displays users including their Full name, description,
          type etc
     NetRemoteTOD()  - displays the remote clock and uptime
     NetTransportEnum() - displays remote information for NICs bound to
          NETBIOS including MAC addresses
     NetEnumerateTrustedDomains() - displays other domains that are trusted by
          the target machine's
     NetServerTransportEnum() - displays the name and MAC address of the
          adapters Netbios is bound to
     NetLocalGroupEnum() - displays remote local groups, their description and
          their members
     NetGroupEnum()  - displays remote global groups and their members
     NetServerEnum() - displays machines in the remote browse list (visible
          Netbios machines)
     NetSessionEnum()- displays user and machine name for connections to
          remote server

There are also many other APIs which may require more access than a NULL
session.  NetE.exe is a utility I have written which calls one or more of the 
APIs that return remote information at each of their valid levels until data
is retrieved.  NetE returns a LOT of information, so to see it I reccomend
either redirecting the output to a file or making your console window very
large (I  typically do "mode 80,5000" so I have a scroll back buffer for the
command prompt).  For machines with lots of users or shares, there may be long
pauses  while the data is transferred, especially if that data is being
transferred across a slow network connection (like the internet).

The usage for NetE.exe is: 

     NetE v1.0  Questions, comments, bitches and bugs to

     Usage: NetE [Options] \\MachinenameOrIP
      /0 - All NULL session operations
      /* - All operations
      /A - Workstation users
      /B - Get PDC name
      /C - Connections
      /D - Date and time
      /E - Exports
      /F - Files
      /G - Groups
      /H - Workstation transports
      /I - Statistics
      /J - Scheduled jobs
      /K - Disks
      /L - Local groups
      /M - Machines
      /N - Message names
      /O - Server info
      /P - Printer ports and info
      /Q - Platform specific info
      /R - Replicated directories
      /S - Sessions
      /T - Transports
      /U - Users
      /V - Services
      /W - RAS ports
      /X - Uses
      /Y - Remote registry trees
      /Z - Trusted domains

*NOTE* To compile this program you need to correct an error in the lmaccess.h
header file that is distributed with the Win32 sdk or MSVC. The API 
NetEnumerateTrustedDomains() is declared as: 

      NetEnumerateTrustedDomains (

and it should be: 

      NetEnumerateTrustedDomains (

                               Get Source HERE. 

                               Get Binary HERE. 


Other great sources for much of the same information and more: 

* MVPS.org 
* Winfingerprint